Flute  Lessons

Flute Teacher

As a teacher, she is committed to finding the artistry and musicality within each of her students.  She focuses on disciplined studies that continually increase the student’s mastery of the flute. Her philosophy is, “No good flute note left behind!” 

Have you always wanted to learn the flute?  Are you playing now, but want to expand your abilities?  Are you struggling in an ensemble and need some help?

Private instruction is not an extra, it’s a way to increase your proficiency on the instrument. With it, you will increase your confidence and enjoyment in your ability to read and play music more.

Flutist playing

Interested in Flute Lessons?

Have you always wanted to learn the flute?  Are you a beginner or playing now, but want to expand your abilities?  Are you struggling in an ensemble and need some help?  Give us a call.  We can help.

What Students can expect

Private flute instruction through this studio starts at 30 minutes per lesson.  As your ability grows, you will move on to a 45 minute or one hour lesson.  In each lesson we will explore tone production, increased technical ability, and music reading.

Ms. Aronowitz focuses on the individual student’s strengths and helps guide them in the direction they have expressed an interest.

There is no age limit or experience restriction in the studio.

Private Lessons provide:

  • Individual lessons tailored to meet your needs.
  • Help with setting and accomplishing your goals.
  • A performance class every four months in order to help with stage presence and playing anxieties.
  • Opportunities to be a part of competitions, master classes and music testing.
  • Two flute ensembles.
  • Competitive performing through groups such as the Inland Empire Valley Flute Society, San Bernardino County Music Educators Association, Sigma Alpha and other organizations in the local area.
  • Help in preparing you for auditions, competitions and testing programs.
  • A teacher who continues to educate herself about curent techniques and new ideas.

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