Aronowitz  Flute  Studio

Jackie Aronowitz 





ensemble director

Ensemble Director

Jackie Aronowitz

About the Performer

Jacqueline Aronowitz is an active flute performer, who continues to study and improve her playing.  Jacqueline is available for recitals, weddings, services, any and all venues that is in need of flute.

About The Instructor

Have you always wanted to learn the flute?  Are you playing now, but want to expand your abilities?  Are you struggling in an ensemble and need some help?

Ms. Aronowitz focuses on the individual student’s strengths and helps guide them in the direction they have expressed an interest.

silver sounds emsemble

ABOUT THE Ensemble

By directing the ensemble Jackie gives a great opportunity for people to gather and share their talent and love music.

Silver Sounds Flute Ensembles is a community flute group that meets weekly.  There are 2 groups available for all ages and levels.

"I took lessons from Jackie for all of my high school years. What strikes me the most when I think back to those lessons was Jackie’s dedication to flute playing and teaching. She cares, and it really shows. She knows the literal ins and outs of the flute, and she not only taught me how to play the flute, but also to appreciate flute music and the broader world of classical and contemporary music. Without her dedication, time, and patience, I wouldn’t have been able to take my flute playing to where I have. Today I am 40 years old, and I still love and play the flute in part because of Jackie Aronowitz!."

– Justin Chalk


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